
Latest Galaxy Buds+ Update Fixes Wind Noise Problem

To enhance the quality of the earbuds & to fix the known issues, Samsung always releases software updates from time to time. First Galaxy Buds+ update was also such an update that fixes the white noise issue and the delay in pairing the earbuds. Now to squash more bugs and to improve the overall quality of the Galaxy Buds+, Samsung has pushed out firmware version R175XXU0ATD3. The two notable changes in the latest version are, it solves the issue with wind noise & improves the effects of listening to the surrounding sounds.

First, it solves the problem with the function where it fails to suppress the sound of the wind when Ambient sound is enabled. Sometimes, in the windy weather, it was quite difficult to get better results where wind noise was heard loudly while on the call, and now it has made way for surrounding sound. The other change is that during the call when Ambient sound is enabled, it makes the effect of listening to the surrounding sounds a little more natural. We haven’t seen any problem with it though it is good to get better quality while on call.

New Galaxy Buds+ Update

Some of the users have also mentioned white noise issue has been solved. Actually, in the first Buds+ version Samsung has taken care of this side but looks like it was still there for some users. As per the changelog, the company has improved stability & reliability though you will also notice many improvements. To get the latest version on Galaxy Buds+, go to Wearable app on your paired smartphone and check for the newest firmware. The update is currently rolling out in South Korea & UK, and soon it will hit in other regions.

Madhav Biradar

Madhav Biradar started his career in technology back in 2011, where he covered mobile & gaming articles. He is an enthusiast in smartphone & wearable gadgets. In his free time, he likes to read about new tech gadgets and watch movies.

One thought on “Latest Galaxy Buds+ Update Fixes Wind Noise Problem

  • any comments on reliability of this update? Does it gives more good or broke something?

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