Galaxy Watch

First Galaxy Buds+ Update Solves White Noise Issue

Samsung has pushed out the first firmware update for the newly launched Galaxy Buds+ earbuds. The firmware version R175XXUOATB5 is now releasing in South Korea & Germany that weighs 1.21MB. The new software version will encounter the common issues having on Buds+, precisely the white noise issue. It also fixed the delay in pairing and solved disconnecting problems. Many customers have reported the white noise problem in the background, and in South Korea, customers also have returned or replaced it.

After the many complaints arise, Samsung finally came ahead and promised to fix the issue in the software update. In the posted note, Samsung has claimed to adjust the white noise issue & give stability to the Galaxy Buds+ earbuds. Finally, today Samsung rolled out the new version to solve all the problems. The noise issue so prominent in the home country that almost all users are facing it. As we checked, customers have replaced their firstly bought Galaxy Buds+ with the new one in the thinking that it is a hardware problem.

Galaxy Buds+ Update

The company again said it is the issue that will be solved by a software update and no need to replace the product, but still, if you are uncomfortable, then they can take a new one from Samsung store. Last week, Samsung had released a new firmware version for Galaxy S20 Ultra to fix the auto-focus issue of the camera. It is good that Samsung is initiating significant updates for its premium devices before they are in the market.

Prutha Hirve

Prutha Passionate about new tech gadgets, since she bought her first smartphone. She likes to try out new smartwatches & read new articles about tech wearables. Apart from that, Prutha takes fitness sessions & teach people how to use tech wearables to stay healthy.

One thought on “First Galaxy Buds+ Update Solves White Noise Issue

  • I updated the firmware, And I still have a static white noise on the left earbud !

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