Garmin has added a pregnancy monitor feature in its smartwatches and Garmin Connect app. Even bigger brands like Apple and Fitbit fail to do so in their wearables. Garmin’s addition had been requested by many female users, as the smart wearable was unable to monitor them during this period. The smartwatch already has a menstruation cycle monitor that will track their cycle, and even allow the user to track different mood swings or physical symptoms helping them to understand themselves better.
Pregnancy is joyful, it is also brought in a lot of stress on the body and mind, and female users with this app can control many things helping them on their journey. It will give them weekly updates of their pregnancy and how far they are. Also, it will compare their baby size to fruit or vegetables giving the expecting mothers an idea of the size of their babies and helping them understand their symptoms with nutritional updates weekly.
It will also recommend diet changes and regular exercise for healthy weight gain and proper nutrition. It has a smart scale that will allow users to even track their weight gain, and you can even alter your exercises or pause them during this time.
A weekly report of their heart rate, hydration level, and progress report will be given. The expecting mothers can also track their baby’s movement by the baby motion tracker. This app will be available in their Venu, vívoactive, Forerunner, and fēnix series, etc. Just download the app from your Connect IQ store on your smartwatch and sync it with the pregnancy in the Garmin Connect app. This will by far be the most welcomed feature by its users.