After Telegram, one more essential app has left the Apple Watch. The online car booking app Uber has decided to leave the Apple Watch, and now, the app does not book rides from the app. It is canceling the support for all the watches and shows the message on the main screen. When you open the app, then it will show the message “Please switch to the Uber mobile app. We no longer supporting the Apple Watch app. Sorry for the inconvenience” followed by sad emoji.
It has first discovered by MacRumors on their Apple Watch Series 7 and confirmed it. As per the source, the support has ended from this Monday, when the app won’t let hail a ride. It has already stopped supporting Android’s Wear OS, Garmin’s Connect IQ & Samsung’s Tizen OS smartwatches long ago. Though it was available on all possible watches, the experience to book a ride on Apple Watch was quite better.
With a Uber app, users were able to get all the necessary services from the Apple Watch. Some features like Uber Pool, fare splitting, estimated time of arrival, and the contact number of your driver were missing from the watch. Like Uber, Lyft has also removed its official app from the WatchOS but supports notifications to see their ride. Uber has updated the article on the official website about the termination of the app.