Fire-Boltt is coming with new smartwatch that is capable to make calls using Bluetooth technology and play games in the free time. The Indian IoT-based company Fire-Boltt has launched new Ring Pro smartwatch with outstanding features. In India, the craze for feature-loaded wearables are increasing day by day, and the company’s are trying their best to give them best services. The Bluetooth calling feature is the new trend among smartwatch users, and Fire-Boltt has also provided one watch with it. Previously, Noise & Boat Watch Primia has launched their respective watches with this function.
The latest Fire-Boltt Ring Pro comes with rectangular display even when its name doesn’t match with it. Like Apple Watch Series 7, it has physical crown on the right side for easy navigation.
It has 1.75-inch display with 320 x 385 pixels resolution and polished with metallic frame. For calling, it offers inbuilt speaker and mic to make and answer calls. There is separate app with contacts, history and a quick dial pad.
As we said earlier, it has pre-installed games to play in free time. These are the casual games that you may find interesting to play. No, it doesn’t support third-party apps or games, and you have to rely on only available games.
Like all other watches, it sports heart rate, sleep rate, blood oxygen level, and plenty of sports modes. It gives you couple of watch faces, but we are not sure about customization. The music control, camera control, Find My Phone, and weather information tools are available on the smartwatch. In India Fire-Boltt Ring Pro is available from Amazon India website for Rs. 3,999.