In the first week of 2023, we received our very first leak of the Apple Watch Ultra. It’s been fourth months since Apple launched the Series 8 & Watch Ultra in the market. These are good products and have premium features at a premium price. Both watches have all the features except one, and that is blood pressure monitoring. The irony is many affordable watches including the Apple Watch clone Pebble Cosmos Engage in India has a BP function.
It will change soon as the company has successfully filed a patent for blood pressure. The first spotted by Patently Apple, the company has filed a new function at US Trademark Office. The submitted file reveals a non-invasive device that can be attached to the watch strap or Apple Watch.
It uses non-inflatable sensor units to measure a person’s blood pressure based on sound waves, explains, Gadgets & Wearables. It says the results will be more accurate and on-demand than Galaxy Watch 5 & Watch 5 Pro.
Don’t expect the feature will launch on current Apple watches. It might launch with the next watches and then come to previous ones. As per the new rumors, Apple will launch its next Apple Watch Ultra with a bigger screen in 2024.
There is a chance the feature will come with it. Further, the next Ultra model may come with a larger 2.1-inch screen with a micro-LED display. It will make a brighter display than the current one. It means there won’t be Watch Ultra this year in September.