According to the leaked renders from Kuba Wojciechowski on Twitter, the upcoming TicWatch Pro 5 will be available soon. Mobvoi TicWatch Pro 5 will ship with Wear OS 3 and Snapdragon W5+ chipset, making it an out-of-the-box product. However, the company has to officially announce the upcoming smartwatch and its features onboard. Oppo & Fossil has launched new products with Wear OS 3 & Qualcomm’s new chipset for a while now and Mobvoi is an inch closer.
TicWatch Pro 5 will probably be the first device from the Mobvoi set to launch with Wear OS 3. Previously, Google announced that selective TicWatch models may get WearOS support, and now the recent leaks also strengthen the possibility. Further, the upcoming smartwatch is expected to be powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon W5+ chipset. This chip strengthens the capacity of the smartwatch and makes it convenient and user-friendly.
However, the company has no official launch schedule for this upcoming premium smartwatch. And the most interesting is that the Mobovi is probably skipping the TicWatch Pro 4 iteration, as the last smartwatch from the company is TicWatch Pro 3 Ultra. As of now, we have very limited information about the specifications of the upcoming edition of the TicWatch. However, leaked images provide some information that indicates few changes over the predecessor models.
The TicWatch Pro 5 Pro may feature a single crown and textured rim, replacing the numbers around the screen bezel. Now, it is quite clear that the TicWatch Pro 5 Pro will be the first device to get Wear OS 3. It is interesting to see whether older iterations of the smartwatch will also get switched to this latest OS edition or not.