Google has announced a newer and improved version of the Wear OS platform. It is simply called Wear OS 4, which brings many changes and features to the smartwatches. Samsung’s Galaxy Watch 4, Watch 5 & upcoming Galaxy Watch 6 series will also get these features. If you have missed what Google has announced, then I will tell you which functions your device will receive in the next few weeks. At a glance, it offers useful suites, more apps, better battery management, and revamped services with tough security.
At the end of last year, Google promised to bring some more apps to the watches and Wear OS 4 will fulfill it. Further, the apps which are available in the Play Store will see renovation with material you design, and better accessibility.
The email service, workforce, and Google Home service will now have better control over connected devices. Third-party developers like WhatsApp Messenger & Spotify have also offered more services to the users like calling, messaging, texting, and streaming songs with offline support.
In a partnership, Samsung and Google will bring fresh watch faces to Galaxy Watch users that will enhance its premium-ness without causing battery life. It becomes easy to back up your watch and restore the data without factory reset mode. The data will be safe with enhanced security services.
Samsung has already worked on the One UI 5 Watch version for its Galaxy Watch 6 series. There is no doubt the next Galaxy Watch will first get Wear OS 4 version followed by Google’s Pixel Watch or Pixel Watch 2. The launch date will be cleared once both companies finish their beta testing program, which may start at the end of this month.