Galaxy Watch 5 & Watch 5 Pro smartwatches are now reaching the hand of users. Samsung has launched these watches with some new features and the Pro model. It is the first time, the company has launched the Pro model in the Galaxy Watch lineup. Both Pro & regular products come with a couple of advanced features, better hardware, and bigger battery life. Samsung advertised both watches as the new premium models, but looks like everything claims mentioned by it are not correct.
In the announcement, Samsung shared some figures about the Watch 5 Pro. In the official figures, the dimensions of the Watch 5 Pro are 10.5mm thick, which is lower than the Apple Watch Series 7. Now, in the new finding, the YouTuber found out it is a false claim.
The YouTuber DC Rainmaker determines, that both Watch 5 & Pro models are much thicker than they advertised. The Watch 5 has 13.09 mm thick, 33.7%, and 3.3mm more than mentioned. The Watch 5 Pro is 15.07 mm thick, 43.5%, and 4.6 much thicker than official numbers.
Further claims about fast charging have also become false. Samsung said the fast charging for Galaxy Watch 5 & Watch 5 Pro will charge 45% battery in 30 minutes. The Sammobile discovered that it only charges 36% & 30% on Watch 5 & Watch 5 Pro, respectively.
The fast charging is 20% slower than what Samsung claimed in its announcement. Let us hope, there are no more false claims from the company. Galaxy Watch 5 series is now available to purchase in most of the major countries.